Thursday, August 25, 2011

Swim and No Run- yet

I have created this awesome training calendar which I have yet to follow- it is so specific it even tells me when to throw a hat on after a swim and get dressed to walk Bella and our puppy Vig to the bus stop.

Yesterday I did do my outlined swim just at 6pm not 6am. I managed to swim .82 of a mile in 14 mins and 37 seconds. (60 laps in our pool) I thought that was pretty good considering I had to stop at lap 30 to see what our crazy dog was doing- he was running back and forth barking at me while I swam.

Most of you already know of Vigs, but just in case and so you have a visual this is Mr Vigs.

Doesn't he look sweet? Well yes he does but he is also the main reason I have not worked out in 2 months and couldn't muster up the energy to run today. I think I overheated him last night at the park while it was still 110 degrees because every hour except from 2:15am-4am, he barked to let him out only to go sit in our pool.  That 1.45 hours of straight sleep with a few 1/2 hours here and there last night put me in a world of hate and need of coffee, B12 pills and a nap! Unlike Vig, who was sound asleep on the couch as I left for work this morning, I dont have that luxury of a nap until hopefully tonight.

I AM going to try to run in the heat after it gets dark, just to log in my time and say I did something on Dailymile. Its good to be accountable OR at least know people are watching what you do or not do regarding working out.

We also started Asylum at work, we are on day 3 today- This is Insanity on steroids- actually you should finish Insanity before attempting this DVD series of workouts, but since I'm already Insane I thought I would try it. There are 4 of us at work doing it over lunch hour and today we get to incorporate weights.

Between the Asylum and short workouts each day, I am sure to be ready for the Sprint Tri in September. Right?

Happy Thursday!!!

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